4 Messages for Thursday

The lynch mob doesn’t want truth. It doesn’t want redemption or righteousness either. With the shame of the woman they had tasted blood. Now they wouldn’t back down until their desire was satiated. No word could hold them back. They would press Jesus till they had what they wanted. But then Jesus spoke a word they had not expected. It was a heaven-sent word. It was a word rooted in truth and a word that struck their very soul. They knew they were not sinless. This word of truth penetrated to the hearts of those who were mature and knew both life and law. As Jesus glanced away to write in the dust, he gave them permission to leave without being shown up. For a brief moment, righteousness triumphed over hatred and self-importance. Those who were younger followed the example of the older men, leaving the woman protected and safe with Jesus. Redemption in action. The Gospel portrayed before our very eyes. Jesus takes the hate of hell and our own sin and turns back the foe, leaving us safe and in his presence.
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